This past weekend, Dan and I traveled to Washington DC for our friend, Ben’s wedding. Ben, Dan and I all went on interim to Europe together my sophomore year. Ben has this wonderful sense of adventure about him and someone that you could always count on to give you sensible advice.
After college, Ben moved to Chicago to work and we were able to see him quite often. However, after a while he decided to quit his job and move to DC to pursue a relationship with Jenny. We do miss seeing him, but are glad to see him happy and in love with Jenny.
We woke up soooo early. I don’t really do well with early mornings, but seeing how I was able to miss a day of school, I guess it was okay. We caught our plane and landed in DC around 8am. Our hotel room wasn’t ready, so we dropped off our bags and headed out to do some sightseeing.
First we walked around on the National Mall…

saw the National Christmas Tree…

grabbed some white chocolate peppermint mocha…

visited a few monuments…

went to a few of the museums (I love how they are both free and fabulous!)

and finally went back and checked into our hotel room.
Dan had to head out with the guys to try on their tuxes and then we both went the the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.
The next day, we had a bit of time before Dan had to be ready for pictures. One of the other groomsmen works at the Capitol Building so he volunteered to give us a tour. It was awesome- he pointed out all of the interesting facts and things to see. One of the best parts of the tour was being able to see his office. His office has a balcony off of it that is at the front of the Capitol Building. I didn’t even know that you could go out on those!
Here we are on the balcony…it was an awesome view of the city!

The wedding was amazing! I loved the songs they used in their wedding ceremony and the reception was beautiful!

The happy couple…

Allyson and I hung out most of the weekend together since both of our husbands were in the wedding…

Dan and I with the groom…